I’ve never had sympathy for residents on golf courses complaining about errant balls in their yard. They get the added value on their real estate and backdoor access to the links whenever they want, for the small price of a few Titleists scattered across their landscape…and why would you moan about that? You’d never have to buy a ball in your life! Plus, you know damn well what you’re signing up for when buying a house next to a golf hole; it’s like eating three Big Macs then griping about a stomachache.
So in past golfer-homeowner disputes, we’ve always turned to a deaf ear to the matter. Not like hackers are trying to hit the ball out-of-bounds. But, as this court case shows, courses can pay the price when players go wayward on house-lined holes.
According to the Allentown Morning Call, a Pennsylvania judge has fined Morgan Hill Golf Club $1,000 for failing to install cameras to monitor “all golf swings and the trajectory of all golf balls” on its 13th hole. The club is currently in a dispute with a couple that is tired of golf balls on their property, and the judge asked for video cameras on the hole in question. But when the club opened up early thanks to warm weather, the cameras were not yet in place, to which the couple filed a motion.
To the club’s credit, they’ve moved the tee box on the hole twice, but the couple says it hasn’t helped. (And before you say the couple should get out of Dodge, they moved into their house in 2001 before the course was built in 2004.)
Although, if the couple was smart, they’d look at this as a business opportunity. If as many balls are landing in their yard as claimed, they could make a nice buck walking up to the 13th tee and selling used ammo. – by Joel Beall