Jordanian national team player, Mohammad Alrawashdeh, has qualified for the U.S. Junior Amateur Open.

Currently, with a World Amateur Golf Ranking of 322, Mohammad is competing in the R&A’s Junior Open in Scotland which is finalised today, as he becomes the first Jordanian to participate in both prestigious events.

Jordan's Mohammad Alrawashdeh

Jordan’s Mohammad Alrawashdeh

The Number One Ranked Jordanian Amateur has already achieved success in numerous global golf events. The 14-year-old has previously won the 2022 Pan Arab Junior Championship U13 Division in Tunisia, both as an individual and as part of a team. Additionally, Mohammad triumphed in the recent Egyptian International Junior Open U16 Division coming through a playoff.

Closer to home, Mohammed has claimed the 2023 Junior Jordan Open U14 Division and the Jordan Golf League Order of Merit in the same year.

The Jordan Golf Federation are immensely proud of Mohammad’s accomplishments and his representation of their country on the international stage.

Images: Jordan Golf Federation