Deep in the Plantation Course clubhouse, behind a wall of hats in the pro shop, through some backroom cubicles, there is a small, windowless conference room. A few minutes before 11am on Sunday, a dozen frumpy sportswriters (and one well-tanned TV smoothie) were ushered into the room for an audience with the most embattled man in professional golf, PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan. I sat to his right, and we made awkward eye contact.

“Hello, Jay.”

“Hello, Alan.”

The Commish could not quite contain his smirk. I spent most of 2022 trying to get a one-on-one sit-down interview with Monahan but was thwarted at every turn by the watchdogs in the tour’s communications department. I don’t like asking questions in press conference settings because in this business, information is the coin of the realm. If the subject says something funny, or controversial, or particularly insightful, it will be cherry-picked by the aggregating elves at every golf website and thus lose its lustre. At the Tour Championship last August, I was desperate enough to throw some moderately tough questions at Monahan, which seemed to arouse the interest of the former high school hockey player. When I cornered him afterward, he said:“I know what you’re doing.” It was slightly enigmatic, but I believe he was referring to the book I’m working on about the battle between the tour and LIV Golf. He fixed me with a look and said: “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to you.”

RELATED: Pelley replaces Monahan as chair of IGF
Monahan tight-lipped on LIV’s OWGR attempt

In the weeks afterward I repeatedly tried to schedule the interview, but the Comms folks were evasive at best. So I began texting Monahan directly … once, twice, three times. He never replied. Finally, a tour media person called to say Monahan would not be doing the interview with me because tour lawyers deemed it too risky, given the ongoing legal battles with LIV. That was a howler given that the week before Monahan had “sat down with ESPN for an exclusive interview before last week’s Presidents Cup at Quail Hollow Club,” according to the ensuing story posted on

The Kapalua confab was Monahan’s first time meeting the press since then. In advance of it, a tour official requested that I keep things “cordial”. Monahan looked tan but a little tired, having jetted in from Florida a couple of days earlier. (No one had the temerity to ask if he had flown commercial in the wake of damning revelations from The Wall Street Journal about the commissioner’s extensive jet-setting on the company plane.) He began with brief opening remarks, but I wanted to cut to the matter: A fundamental issue at the tour level has always been, Do the players work for the commissioner or does the commissioner work for the players? The Delaware uprising — the mid-August meeting at which Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy convened a bunch of their friends and reshaped the entire tour schedule — seemed to answer that question, but I have always been curious about Monahan’s role behind the scenes. I asked if he had any input about which players were in the room. “That was a meeting that was called by Tiger and Rory,” he said. “I may have made suggestions. I understood who was going to be in the room, but it was their meeting. I mean, I want to be very clear that it was their meeting.”

Did he have any input on how his tour was going to be reorganised? “I think the reality is prior to that, I had a lot of conversations with Tiger and Rory,” Monahan said, “so I had a general sense of what they were talking about. Absolutely.”

One kernel of news that came out of the Kapalua conference room was that the tour has agreed to grant releases to some of its members to play in next month’s Saudi International, which is not a LIV event but is co-sanctioned by the Asian Tour and is sponsored by the same Public Investment Fund backing LIV. I asked Monahan about the process of reviewing such requests. These granular bureaucratic processes have become of more interest in this era of golf’s warring tribes. The players may have seized control of the tour, but in certain matters it remains a monarchy. Monahan said the leaders of his competition department review the release applications and make a recommendation, but the commissioner makes the final call. I asked Monahan if he ever overrules the advice.

“I’m sure I have,” he replied.

There was a lot of talk about the upcoming autumn schedule, which has yet to be released, and TV and sponsorship deals. Naturally, there were plenty of questions about the elephant (shark?) in the room: LIV Golf. Even before LIV, there had been the Premier Golf League, which proposed a global tour with small, elite fields and $20 million purses. (If this sounds familiar, in its early days LIV stole two key executives from the PGL.) The first news reports about the PGL (then known as the World Golf Series) bubbled up in mid-2018. To recycle the Watergate-era question about Nixon: What did Monahan know and when did he know it? I asked when he became aware of the World Golf Series, and he said the summer of 2017.

Did he ever see the WGS’s painstakingly detailed 116-page prospectus, which laid out a new way to think about professional golf?

“Given that we’re in the midst of litigation?” he said. “Well, I’d prefer not to answer that question.” The lawsuit in question is actually an antitrust dispute between the tour and LIV, but whatever. The more interesting issue to me is what Monahan should have done differently before a rival league became a full-blown threat. He rejected the premise. “I always think someone’s trying to take my lunch,” he said, metaphorically. “I spend a lot of my time thinking about No. 1, what do we need to do to improve. And then if you were trying to create something new and different, what would that be? So I wasn’t necessarily surprised by it at that point in time, but anytime you hear something for the first time, it gets your attention and it got my attention.”

Now that the battle lines have been drawn, is there any way forward? Monahan has worn as a badge of honour that he has had no contact with Greg Norman, LIV’s CEO. I asked if Norman called him tomorrow, would he take the call?

“He hasn’t called me so …”

“But if he did?”

“You know me well enough, I’m not getting into hypotheticals.”

“Let me rephrase it: Why have you not had any contact with him throughout this whole process?”

“Now Alan, I think you’ve heard me say a bunch of times that we’re focusing on what we control. We’re at a point now where it’s product versus product. And we have our schedule, we’ve laid it out, we’re going to keep getting better and better and better. They have theirs, and we’re going to continue to be the most pro-competitive aspirational tour. What they have is very different than what we have. We’re going down our path and they’re going down theirs.”