Mostly_Air Reddit

A hole-in-one is a pretty rare thing, but not getting a hole-in-one on this particular shot is somehow more out of the ordinary. Sometimes you see a golf post that revolves around something unlikely and think: “That’s not that crazy.” This is not one of those times.

Never had a HIO before today. Now I still haven’t.
byu/Mostly_Air ingolf

“160 yard Par 3. On it the whole way,” reads the post. “Clattered the pin, surely went in the hole, then jumped out and rolled 6 feet to the right.

“Now when I’m 80 and my grandkids ask me if I’ve ever had a hole in one, I’ll finally be able to say ‘No… but damn did I have a pretty sweet birdie once.’ (and yes I repaired the rim I mangled. Apologies to our fine greenskeepers!)”

Just look at that divot. This is a real once-in-a-lifetime miss by an unlucky dude and the commenters certainly agree.

“Should have pulled the flagstick before you hit,” one unhelpful individual added.

When asked how he repaired the mangled hole, the original poster stated that it was a “Close call but it all stayed in one piece. Laid it back together and knit it masterfully back together with the divot tool.” He ended up nailing the six-footer for birdie, however, so it wasn’t a total loss.