It could be a long week of short shots for Johnson Wagner at the 2024 Presidents Cup.

The former PGA Tour pro has risen to media fame this year with his Golf Channel segments in which he re-enacts important moments from events, including an amazing rendition of Bryson DeChambeau’s winning bunker shot at the U.S. Open. But Wagner has also battled the chipping yips at times. Those are never fun so we can only imagine them happening on live TV.

Yet Wagner bravely continues to try challenging short-game shots and Tuesday was no different as he attempted to show some of the situations pros will find themselves in this week. As Brandel Chamblee and the rest of the “Live From” crew watched, Wagner sets up the first shot by saying, “Brandel, you may get your with here tonight.” And then after chunking the first attempt, “Well, I think I’m back.”

Brandel certainly looked like he got a kick out of it. And the laughter only intensified as Wagner had two more unsuccessful attempts. Have a look and listen:

That’s great live TV right there, but poor Johnson. The guy is in full struggle mode out there and his co-workers are wiping tears of laughter from their eyes. At least Rich Lerner reminded viewers that this man is a three-time PGA Tour winner.

Anyway, let’s hope for Johnson’s sake that the rest of the week doesn’t require too many short-game segments. Not that Brandel—and plenty of others watching from home—would mind.